Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shortcomings of a not-so-super mom....

I am sick today, the day I have been looking forward to this week, because my oldest daughter, Angel, is having her archeology day, and I had volunteered to go.  I wake up, and I am cramping so bad I am on the verge of doing surgery on myself.  I am also nauseous, and getting sick to my stomach.  Of all the days, it had to be today.  I  hate times like these.  I think of all those moms that always seem to be everywhere, with their hair in perfect place, and in full Susie Homemaker mode.  I used to think that I was just broken somehow to not be able to pull it off all the time, let alone my hair, as per previous discussion, is rarely perfect.  I know it is one of those ideals I have in my head that everything just comes together perfectly, and I at least hope they have to work to get their hair and make up in the right place (Did I mention I really didn't know how to put on make up until REALLY recently?)   I hate not being there.  I hate that I told her I would be.  I hate that I am not a perfect mother, and I sometimes absolutely love my oddness, and I know that my kids love it that I am into different things than "normal" moms (I know moms like me, but really there doesn't seem to be an abundance of us.) but sometimes, I think, perhaps if I were a little more Susie, and a little less, well, whatever, I would be able to have the seemingly perfectness others do.  I don't think I could do it though.  I love steam punk (working on an outfit now for an Amacon), Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, swing, punk, and stuff like that.  I do think it is funny that all my hobbies make me sound like June Cleaver.  I sew, crochet, cook, garden, read and write.  Not all those are conventional things I make, but to just leave it at that, yeah, I sound like I came out of Pleasentville, pre-color.  My kids all tell me how much they think I am a super mom, and that I can do anything, and they love everything I make them, and they love how much fun we have, but still, I will never fail to see my shortcomings, like getting sick on the day I wanted to go see something at the school.  One good thing out of it, I will always strive to be better, to be the best not-so-super mom I can be!  Later on, will have the blog I was intending to post today, about crocheting. :)